+1 785.231.8183
There are over 400,000 children without parents in Haiti. Orphanage support is one of the most crucial aspects of our ministry. Your donation helps ensure that children do not go hungry, that they have a bed, clothing, medical checkups and have access to clean water. Assisting Orphanages and their abilities to care for children effectively is at the heart of our mission.
Access to education is a basic human right. It reduces poverty and child labor and offers the tools needed to succeed in life. Literacy rates were 45% in 2010, with unemployment rising to 90%. 85% of Haiti's people live in abject poverty. Your donation helps support local Trade-schools and gives many children the opportunity of education that was simply unavailable to them until now.
Make a single or monthly donation directly from your bank account, credit card, or Paypal.
Spotlight On: HAITI
Empty stomachs hurt. They break concentration and make the future seem impossible. Giving food is essential to creating health. Haiti is currently in a food crisis, with the World Food Program reporting that food supply covers only 55% of the population. Countless innocent children are suffering without the food they need to survive. Your support helps provide nutrition for many orphans and children who would otherwise go hungry.
Grounded in the Gospel, Global Missions is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission as described in Mark 16:15-18. Working together with local churches to bring life transformations to the people of Haiti. Your donation helps provide tools for local pastors and community leaders to better serve their own communities with Bible and literature distribution, Leadership Seminars for Pastors, Church leaders, and Youth workers. Inspiring hope through the gift of salvation.
Global Missions is a religious not for profit cooperation. 501c3 FEIN 48-1121269
+1 785 232 2992 +1 785 231 8183
Help Us Change Lives
To help end hunger and provide Haiti with tools to succeed in life requires many hands. Global Missions Ministries is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission as described in Mark 16:15-18 and works with all denominations to help alleviate poverty, both physical and spiritual. We've got many successes under our belt, but we need more help, and that's where you come in.
While you can volunteer with us directly, even traveling to provide needy families with materials and education, there's much you can do on your own. Contact us to learn more about opportunities and ideas for donating, fundraising, hosting events, campaigning, buying gifts, and involving your school or company.
Post it, tweet it, share it. The more people you tell, the more help we can receive.
Can't spend a dime?
Then, spend some time... helping us help those in need.