+1 785.231.8183
Global Missions Ministries was founded by the Reverend Max and Mary Manning in 1958, dedicated to church planting and crusades at home and abroad... Today, that mission continues in Haiti, where numerous churches, orphanages and medical clinics have been built and many lives transformed through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On behalf of Global Missions Ministries I would like to thank you for your generous gift.
Your commitment to helping our mission to the poor and needy of Haiti is sincerely appreciated.
The goal of Global Missions is to continue to make a difference in the spiritual and physical needs of the people of Haiti. Whether it is for rice and beans, a new church building, medical supplies, a new trade school, or training seminars and crusades for the pastors and churches across Haiti.
With the help of donations from supporters such as you, we will continue to see improvements in the living conditions and their spiritual connection to Christ.
Thank you again, for your generous support.
Your friend, Always
Rev. Max Manning
PRAYER We believe that God is the author and finisher of our faith, and He provides us His plan to build His kingdom worldwide. Our personal relationship with Him is of utmost importance. Through prayer we constantly seek Him for direction and purpose, praise and worship Him, call on Him to intervene in natural and supernatural ways. He has promised to provide for all of our needs, according to His riches and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
GOD'S WORD We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. Providing intent, motivation and strategy for building God's kingdom worldwide. Our Outreach Program is based on the Scriptures. In obedience to His Word, we commit to glorify God by making disciples so that people in every tribe, tongue and nation might know Him as Savior and Lord.
QUALITY OF MINISTRY We believe that God has entrusted sufficient resources to the Church to complete the Great Commission. We strive to use these resources in a responsible, effective manner and commit to do our work for the Lord with integrity, accountability and excellence.
EQUIPPING THE SAINTS We believe that each Christian is uniquely gifted to make a contribution to building God's kingdom. We will work to equip the Local church and indigenous pastor's so that they may grow and fulfill their individual role in His work. As we are able, we also commit to equipping the Church in the task of building God's Kingdom.
SUPPORT OF INDIGENOUS MISSIONARIES We believe that in order for our missions family to be as strategic and effective as possible, they must be spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy and financially stable. We therefore commit ourselves and our resources to support our missions pastors in their ministry and churches.
"I tell you, Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest!" John 4:35
Serving as Pastor, Evangelist, Missionary, Church Planter, Christian Educator and Mentor to many men and women around the world, helping them to establish themselves in qualified ministry positions and teaching them to walk worthy of the Gospel call.
Reverend Manning has ministered on the mission field for the past 56 years. Preaching in 74 nations around the world, and having worked and visited the African Continent alone 62 times.
At the age of seventeen years, in 1945, Max joined the United States Marines, where he faithfully served his country for eight continuous years as a regular and a reserve.
Max and Mary Manning were united in marriage November 27th, 1947 in Chanute, Kansas, and this year would have been their 69th year of marriage, 64 years of which have been in full time ministry.
He has worked on the Island nation of Haiti in the West Indies for the Past 55 years - establishing churches, orphanages, trade schools, medical clinics and most recently establishing training seminars for pastors and church workers throughout Haiti and Africa. Reverend Manning believes that it is most important to set things in scriptural order in the national ministries that God has called to each country and so he gives opportunity for them to train and learn and cooperate as pastors and leaders of the church. Continuously working by his side, Mary spearheaded a special feeding program of "Christmas Dinners" for orphans, widows, and street children. Giving opportunity to not only feed and share the gospel, but to connect families who need assistance with the local church.
He was paid honor in "2012" as the "Kansas Humanitarian of the Year" and in 2015 he was honored by "Strathmores" as "Humanitarian of the Year".
He has been broadcasting daily with his “Voice of Faith” Radio Program, which has run continuously for 59 years, and is currently heard throughout the continent of Africa through the “Voice of Faith” Broadcast. The program can also be heard on Sunday Mornings on WIBW radio 580 AM Topeka, Kansas at 9:00 AM. CST. And Broadcast Monday through Friday on 97.7FM “Upper Room Radio” at 10 AM in Topeka, Kansas.
He has authored several books and booklets on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
His most recent being "For His Glory" - a spiritually uplifting biography containing
true to life stories of faith and family. Available in Print and Audio.
At the age of eighty eight years Reverend Manning still has strong faith and carries
a full schedule of ministry at home and overseas.
He retains residence in Topeka, Kansas.
His beloved wife Mary passed to her eternal reward on 07/07/2014, but Reverend Manning continues to carry the burden of their ministries theme: "To Win the Lost at Any Cost".
Max L. Manning
Director of Global Missions, Inc.