
​​​ +1 785.231.8183


Wondering what you can Donate?

Global Missions Ministries is looking for the following goods: Medical Supplies, Vitamins, Shoes and Clothing, Non-Perishable food Items, Bicycles, Orphanage and School Supplies, Musical Instruments, Toys, and Biblical Literature. Anything you think would be a help - probably is. So please don't hesitate to contact us. All goods are stored until they are shipped directly to Haiti and distributed to the most needy. 

Our Shipping Office is located @

​310 SW 6th Ave Topeka Ks 66603




Global Missions, Inc.

PO Box 161

​Topeka, Kansas, USA  66601


​Global Missions, Inc.

310 SW 6th ST

​Topeka, Kansas, USA  66603


​+1.785. 2318183

+1.785. 2322992

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